10 Reasons Printers Should Not Lower Prices for Digital Print Embellishments

Going for the Gold: Pro Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Embellishment Production

You Have Digital Embellishment—Now, How Do You Market It?

Interview with Michael Dillon from Meyers on how to Market Digital Embellishments

From Printing News: The are multiple factors to consider when estimating for digital embellishments

FSEA Forms Digital Embellishment Alliance to Create Opportunities Surrounding the Growth of Digital

Warren Werbitt on Taktiful’s Embellishment Education Initiatives for whattheythink.com

Interview with Chelby Cota, Matt Redbear and Ken Huizenga on estimating for Digital Embellishments

DPS Magazine Webinar on Digital Embellishments

Harvard Business Review: How Paper Catalogs Remain Relevant in a Digital Age by Jonathan Z. Zhang

Single Malt Scotch, choice celebrity Tequila, and a fun talk about Americas Print Show

Digital Embellishments: How to add value and profitability to ink on paper.

Taktiful, the digital embellishment sales & marketing aces, to exhibit at America’s Print Show.

I Write in Cursive

Taktiful among founding charter signatories for the PAC Global IOU Charter.

Taktiful's 5 Panel Roll Fold Featured on Episode #601 of Super Cool Fold of the Week

Color-Logic Adds Taktiful as Technology Partner

Taktiful, the digital embellishment sales and marketing specialists, to debut at Amplify.

Capture the senses for an unforgettable print experience that sells